A video of a student taken by Students for Life of America activists at the University of Mary Washington in Fredericksburg, VA was disturbing. They were on campus discussing abortion with students there, and one particular student could not even say murder was wrong.

He then went on to say, “all life is worthless.”

Watch (language warning):

We know that life is not worthless, in fact, every life is a gift from God. We are all “fearfully and wonderfully made,” and every person is made in the image of God deserving of dignity and respect. We need to keep that message front and center and continue to promote a culture of life.

I would not characterize all pro-abortion people believe this way or even a majority of them, but a similar attitude has manifested itself in Canada and Europe where a culture of death has embedded itself into society. This problem extends beyond abortion as we can see from what the student said in this video. The diminishment of a culture of life did not happen overnight, it was a slow, chipping away of accepted cultural norms.

What happened in Europe and Canada can happen here, and based on what this particular student said already has a foothold here and the consequences are nothing, but grim.

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