We’ll learn tonight the fate of the House of Representatives. I’m expecting that Democrats will gain seats and possibly enough to win the majority. It wouldn’t surprise me, but I have to wonder if the left now has doubts when I saw a tweet from former Washington Post political reporter and founder of Vox.com Ezra Klein. 

This is mind-boggling. I know both sides have expressed this and that to be illegitimate if things don’t go there way, but the left has gone into overdrive since 2016.

President Donald Trump is “illegitimate” because he didn’t win the national popular vote, so let’s scrape the Electoral College.

The Supreme Court is illegitimate since an illegitimate President appointed an illegitimate judicial nominee who was then confirmed. So let’s stack the Supreme Court. 

The judicial confirmation process is illegitimate because an illegitimate nominee was confirmed by the Senate. 

Executive orders from an illegitimate President are illegitimate.

I’m sure I’m missing something.

If Republicans maintain the majority, and Klein seems to be preparing for that, then it will be illegitimate if Democrats in all of the Congressional races nationally, collectively win the popular vote? 

That is not how this works. This is not how any of this works. 

If the left goes ballistic as Klein suggests, then he is prescient about the possible reaction, and frankly, I wouldn’t be surprised based on what I’ve seen over the past year.

What’s mind-boggling is that Klein says that Democrats losing faith is reasonable. 

It’s not, it’s really not reasonable.

The majority of the House of Representatives is not based on the national popular vote. That is irrelevant. House districts are apportioned by population, big states already have more representation. I’ve said before that a blue wave that just boosts turnout in safe or reliable districts for Democrats, but not swing districts then it is not a blue wave. 

It’s certainly not an “anti-democratic” outcome as Klein describes it. It’s Constitution 101. If you want a majority in Congress then you have to win a majority of Congressional seats. 

This mindset is dangerous and, frankly, constitutionally illiterate.

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