In the Democratic takeover of the U.S. House of Representatives, two incumbent Republican Congressmen lost their re-election campaigns. Congressman Rod Blum lost in Iowa’s 1st Congressional District. Congressman and David Young (R-Iowa) lost in Iowa’s 3rd Congressional District.

Congressman Dave Loebsack (D-Iowa) won re-election in Iowa’s 2nd Congressional District and Congressman Steve King (R-Iowa) won re-election in Iowa’s 4th Congressional District.

Iowa 1st Congressional District

Blum lost his bid for a third term to State Representative Abby Finkenauer (D-Dubuque). 

Here are the results with 388 of 415 precincts reporting:

  1. Abby Finkenauer (D) – 50.9% (166,626)
  2. Rod Blum (R) – 46.0% (150,601)
  3. Troy Hageman (L) – 3.1% (10,057)

Iowa 2nd Congressional District

Loebsack defeated his Republican challenger, Dr. Christopher Peters, for a seventh term in the U.S. House.

Here are the results with 364 of 397 precincts reporting:

  1. Dave Loebsack (D) – 55.2% (166,357)
  2. Christopher Peters (R) – 42.2% (127,308)
  3. Mark Strauss (L) – 2.0% (5,939)
  4. Daniel Clark (I) – 0.6% (1,783)

Iowa’s 3rd Congressional District

Young lost re-election to a third term to his Democratic challenger Cindy Axne in a very close race.

Here are the results with 375 out of 375 precincts reporting:

  1. Cindy Axne (D) – 49.0% (169,886)
  2. David Young (R) – 47.5% (164,656)
  3. Bryan Jack Holder (L) – 2.0% (7,005)
  4. Mark Elworth (LMN) – 0.6% (1,906)
  5. Paul Knupp (GP) – 0.5% (1,794)
  6. Joe Grandanette (I) – 0.4% (1,271)

Iowa 4th Congressional District

King won re-election to a 9th term by defeating his Democratic challenger J.D. Scholten by a closer margin than he has had in the past. 

Here are the results with 454 of 490 precincts reporting in:

  1. Steve King (R) – 50.3% (151,109)
  2. J.D. Scholten (D) – 47.1% (141,652)
  3. Charles Aldrich (L) – 2.0% (6,041)
  4. Edward Petersen (I) – 0.6% (1,857)
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