Democratic presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke calls for the banking and credit card industry to not do business with anyone who manufactures and sells “assault” weapons and reject purchases to be made with their cards.

He tweeted, “Credit cards have enabled many of America’s mass shootings in the last decade—and with Washington unwilling to act, they need to cut off the sales of weapons of war today.”

O’Rourke demands that banks and credit card companies:

  • Refuse to take part in the sale of assault weapons.
  • Stop processing transactions for gun sales online & at gun shows without background checks.
  • Stop doing business with gun & ammo manufacturers who produce or sell assault weapons

“If enough of us make our voices heard now, we will force banks and credit card companies to act,” he tweeted.

This is what liberals now do if they can’t get a law passed. The outrage mob goes after corporate America who do not have a good track record of late standing up for liberty.

And there is precedent for the banking and credit card industry taking action against conservatives, so what O’Rourke is advocating is not out of the realm of possibility.

It begs the question: Are conservatives going to have to launch a separate banking system now?

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