Jim_Gibbons Jim Gibbons, Republican candidate for Congress in Iowa’s Third Congressional District, announced today that calls to Leonard Boswell’s Washington D.C. and Des Moines, IA offices confirmed that Leonard Boswell will be voting “yea” on the Senate-passed health care bill. The Senate-passed health care bill contains special provisions to Louisiana, Nebraska, and provides for taxpayer funded abortions.

“As an Iowan, I am troubled that Leonard is voting for the “Corn-Husker kickback,” the “Louisiana Purchase,” and to have the taxpayers fund abortions,” said Jim Gibbons. “I don’t think it is right that we all have to pay for special backroom deals cut by Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid and supported by Leonard Boswell. It is outrageous that even before the bill has come to a vote on the floor of the House, Leonard has decided to ignore his constituents and vote for this debacle of a bill.”

A new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll found that only 36% of people asked thought the health care bill was a “good idea.” However, the Democrats in Congress are moving ahead in an attempt to pass the bill despite significant public opposition. Locally, a protest in front of Leonard Boswell’s Des Moines office has been scheduled by a group called “Kill the Bill” from 12:30 p.m.-2:00 p.m. to voice opposition to this bill.

Gibbons added, “Members of Congress are sent to Washington to represent their constituents and clearly Leonard Boswell has forgotten that. I am running for Congress to bring common sense, Iowa values back to Washington.”

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