By Jim Gibbons, Republican Candidate for Iowa’s Third Congressional District

This weekend hundreds of thousands of Christians in Iowa celebrated Palm Sunday in preparation for Good Friday and Easter Sunday. As I reflect on this time of year, Simon of Cyrene comes to mind. As you recall, Simon of Cyrene was a man who was pressed into service – burdened with carrying the cross of Christ toward Calvary. Simon may be someone we all can relate to in the crosses that we have had to carry, or are in the midst of carrying, in our own lives.

As I have traveled around this district meeting with folks and talking about their lives, I have realized that we all have crosses to bear; it is part of the human condition. Be it the small business owner in Lucas County who lost a sizeable portion of business and is trying to find a way to make payroll, or the City of Knoxville, waiting for their Veterans to return – all of us have our burdens. But this week, this time of year, we know that we don’t shoulder those burdens alone.

As someone who is aspiring to public service, I will keep in mind the lesson of the Cyrenian and how everyday Iowans are faced with a similar burden. And I will always remember how Simon’s life took a turn that day. He struggled, he emptied himself and his life was changed forever. So is each of ours. I wish all of you a Blessed and Holy Week.

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