There is a three-way Republican primary for Polk County Supervisor in District 3. District 3 includes Altoona, Ankeny, Bondurant, Mitchellville, Pleasant Hill and a portion of unincorporated Polk County. It is also the district where I reside.

Pleasant Hill Mayor Sara Kurovski and Bondurant City Councilman Wes Enos are challenging incumbent Supervisor Steve Van Oort.

Van Oort was elected in 2012 and is currently serving his second term. Kurovski was elected in 2013 as Pleasant Hillā€™s youngest and first female mayor. Enos, elected to the Bondurant City Council in 2013, is on his second term. He also served at the townā€™s Mayor Pro Tem, and was the chairman of the Polk County Republicans for a time.

I usually do not write about municipal elections, but as a Pleasant Hill resident I see campaign flyers come in. Two flyers landed in our inbox on Thursday afternoon. Both were addressed to my wife.

First here is the front and back of the flyer that Wes Enos emailed:

Below is the flyer, also sent to my wife, from Sara Kurovski:

Ok, I have known Wes Enos for years, some thoughts:

  1. The tweets were in 2015, lots of Republicans were dunking on President Trump, Enos was a supporter of U.S. Senator Ted Cruz, R-Texas, who won the Iowa Caucus.
  2. Unlike me, Enos voted for President Trump in the 2016 general election.
  3. Yes, Cruz supporters drove the national convention delegate selection. Remember, he won the Iowa Caucus which meant his supporters turned out for the county, district, and state conventions. Every member of the Iowa delegation voted for Trump at convention.
  4. Considering Enos chaired the Polk County Republican Party, I find it amusing that Kurovski says ā€œheā€™s not one of us.ā€ One of whom? Republicans? Unlike me, Enos didnā€™t leave the Republican Party. By the way, Kurovski supported Carly Fiorina in the Iowa Caucus. So she was not an early supporter of Trumpā€™s either not that it matters in a county supervisor election.
  5. The ā€œTwitter tough guyā€ has a conservative record on Bondurantā€™s city council and a record of supporting conservative causes and candidates as an activist.
  6. Why is Kurovski not touting her record as mayor of Pleasant Hill? I find it amusing that questions Enosā€™ conservative credentials yet she opposed the gun rights omnibus bill that passed in the Iowa Legislature in 2017. She also supported the local option sales tax increase, something Pleasant Hill shot down in 2018, but approved in a low-turnout election in 2019.

As far as attacks go that was pretty lame. Iā€™m a registered independent. I was not planning on registering as a Republican to vote in the primary on June 2, but itā€™s stuff like this that make me reconsider that decision.

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