DES MOINES, Iowa – On Wednesday, Team Joni announced it launched a new virtual campaign headquarters called JoniHQ. This tool will serve as an online home base for Iowans working to re-elect U.S. Senator Joni Ernst. 

JoniHQ is another way we can connect with our grassroots network who are looking to lead or join opportunities to support Joni Ernst from their own home, especially at a time when traditional campaign techniques are limited due to COVID-19,” said Sam Pritchard, Joni for Iowa campaign manager. “This new tool will provide a huge advantage when it comes to continuing to grow, engage with and deploy the massive grassroots network Joni has built by being a champion for Iowa.”

JoniHQ allows Iowans to create an account to get involved in a variety of ways, including getting the latest news and updates, joining coalitions, attending virtual events, making calls from home, thanking our COVID-19 heroes, being a digital activist and much more. With the need to shift from many of the traditional campaign techniques due to the pandemic, Ernst’s strong online ground game will be a critical component. 

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