The #TraffickingHub campaign and Exodus Cry released a video this week that exposes Pornhub, owned by MindGeek, as complicit in the sex trafficking and rape of women and children.

Laila Mickelwait, the founder of the #TraffickingHub campaign and director of abolition at Exodus Cry, says the campaign’s goal is to see the world’s largest porn site shut down and its executives held accountable for enabling and profiting off of the mass sex-trafficking and exploitation of women and minors.

The non-religious, non-partisan campaign is supported by a broad spectrum of over 300 child protection, anti-trafficking and women’s rights organizations, as well as experts and trafficking survivors of all backgrounds.

Over 1.3 million people have signed the #TraffickingHub campaign’s petition.

Watch the video:

Various news organizations have publicly confirmed Pornhub’s complicity in the sexual exploitation of women and children, here are a few links the #TraffickingHub campaign shared on its website.

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