photo of end signage
Photo by Ana Arantes on

I’ve dragged my feet writing this post, but I think it’s time to acknowledge the elephant in the room. Caffeinated Thoughts has been inactive for several months, and we haven’t had daily posts here for quite some time. When I started The Iowa Torch, I had hoped I was going to be able to keep Caffeinated Thoughts up with guest articles and occasional posts from me, but that hasn’t been a reality.

I’ve also shifted from being self-employed full-time to working for a company full-time (and sometimes overtime) while keeping up my business on a part-time basis.

So I just haven’t had the time to write. Also with the change in search engine algorithms and social media algorithms I was seeing a decline in traffic from those sources even before I started The Iowa Torch.

I’ve shifted to writing once to twice a week (sometimes more, sometimes less) for my Substack newsletter and have had some paid subscribers. My articles go straight to your inbox. No more hassling with algorithms that reward click bait and online rage.

Caffeinated Thoughts has been in existence since 2006, and had its own domain name since 2010. So almost 18 years and over 10,000 articles later, this website has been a big part of my life making it hard to let go.

However, it’s past time to close out this chapter and officially say Caffeinated Thoughts is officially done. This domain will still be active for two months and then will forward to my Substack newsletter. A long-term archive can be found at that will be in place after the domain begins forwarding.

Thank you so much for your readership, and I hope that you’ll continue to be a reader at my Substack.

P.S. If anyone is interested in purchasing the domain name I’ve owned for over 14 years, please contact me at with a fair price.

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