image State Senator Kim Reynolds (R-Osceola) has had her name floated out there as being on Governor Terry Branstad’s Lt. Governor short list.  Iowa Politics earlier today said that “sources say” that she was interviewed.  Now this afternoon they report that “key Republican sources” tell them that she is the pick.

I’m waiting for the official announcement tomorrow.  One of their sources in the earlier article “sensed” that it was Jeff Lamberti.  I generally don’t trust unnamed sources.  Besides, Tim Albrecht, Branstad’s spokesperson said, “I would be extremely careful on jumping to conclusions.”

That comment would seem ridiculous if she is the pick.  However, just saying, “no comment” would be taken as a yes by some.  The Branstad campaign has kept a pretty tight ship in regards to leaks about who is even being interviewed so this could be misdirection or “sources” who need their egos stroked.

Or it could be the truth as she is younger, conservative, friendly, and she’s female (which has been the tradition for years in Iowa).  Nothing against Senator Reynolds, but I think I’ll just wait until tomorrow.

Update: Yep.  Either it is true or this is the greatest misdirect of all time and we’ve all been duped.  It’s been all over the local news tonight, and since Dave Price says its so, it’s gotta be so.  It makes the text message announcement kind of silly.  I’ll blog more on this tomorrow.

2nd Update (6/24/10): Withholding my reaction until a little later.  I have a couple of questions that I’d like to hear back from the Branstad campaign first.  Not waiting indefinitely, but want to give them a chance to get back to me.

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