image Somebody flagged the comment below on my post highlighting photos of the Iowa GOP Reagan Dinner of which two were pictures of me.   I’ve since blacklisted the guy since personal insults don’t add to any conversation, and I appreciate whoever flagged the comment.  That is the great thing about the Disqus comment system is that readers can help moderate comments.  I did want to highlight this brilliant comment as it made me laugh out loud.

You look like reatarded republican jerk like the rest of them. Sickening.

If you are going to come to my blog and insult me and call me retarded, at least spell it right.  I think the comment says more about his intelligence than it does mine.  Just a note to those who like leaving comments like these you are wasting your time, I will blacklist you.  I don’t mind people who disagree, but I’m not going to put up with personal attacks.  If you want to personally attack me do it on your own blog.  I may however highlight stupid comments like these in a post of my own just for giggles and grins.

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