Dr. Don Racheter is a Professor Emeritus of Central College, a retired political scientist, and a founder and former president of the Iowa Association of Political Scientists
Grassley’s Well-Intentioned Drug Plan Needs Some Tweaking
Dr. Don Racheter: With one of the highest Medicare beneficiary rates in the nation, Iowa stands to lose from the Grassley and House proposals more than most states.
Don Racheter: The Obama administration school lunch mandates resulted in more waste, less food consumed, and more students going off to class hungry. The Trump Administration is right to delay compliance.
Don Racheter: Muscatine Mayor Diana has failed to bring the change she wanted to Muscatine City Boards and Commissions and has wasted money in the effort.
It Is Time for Another Election for Iowa’s Teachers
Don Racheter: The Iowa Legislature should pass a bill scheduling regular elections on who should be the bargaining agents for our public school teachers.
Don Racheter: We need to replace governmentally/monopolistically provided goods & services with capitalistically/ competitively provided goods & services.
Don Racheter: The sooner IPERS is reformed, the quicker the governmental employees and Iowa taxpayers will be protected from periods of revenue shortfall.
Transparency? Just the Opposite on the Gas-Tax Campaign!
Had proponents of the gas-tax increase listed these uses of the money generated, it is highly unlikely the bill would have passed the Iowa General Assembly.
Let’s replace the charitable deduction and allow everyone to take charitable contributions off the top before determining their net income for tax purposes.