Access to Affordable Health Insurance: The Kitchen Table Issue of Our Time
Jason Schultz: The (Un)Affordable Care Act, commonly referred to as Obamacare, has wreaked havoc on our health care and health insurance industries. Policies disappeared, carriers pulled out of Iowa, and government meddling has caused policies to be much more expensive and yet, provide less coverage.Ā
Recapping The First Week of The 2018 Session in the Iowa Legislature
Jason Schultz: As we get back in the habit of driving to the Capitol each day, I am reminded of how grateful I am to serve western Iowa as their Senator.Ā The work we do now will benefit Iowa for years and even a generation to come, and I am thankful they allow me to be a part of it.
Collective Bargaining Reform: The Most Needed and Most Bold Action of 2017
Jason Schultz: Our reforms will have the effect of balancing the experience between the private sector, who provides the vast majority of tax revenue for public services, and the public sector employees who provide the services Iowans expect.