Schultz: The Principle of Preemption Protects Your Right to Keep and Bear Arms

Jason Schultz: State law preempts, or comes before, local regulations so cities and counties cannot be more strict than Iowa law in the area of firearms.

Bringing Welfare Reform to Iowa

Jason Schultz: With Iowa’s low unemployment rate, there has never been a more appropriate time to get people off welfare programs and into self-reliance and a better life.

The State of Pro-Life Legislation in Iowa Is Precarious

Jason Schultz: SJR 21 (now SJR 2001) doesn’t ban abortion, but takes the issue from the Iowa Supreme Court and puts it back in the hands of the people.

Respecting Gun Rights: A Tale of Two States – Iowa and Virginia

State Senator Jason Schultz contrasts Virginia’s attempt to restrict gun rights to the Iowa Legislature’s work to respect and protect gun rights.

A Look at K-12 Education Funding in Iowa

Jason Schultz: Since FY 2011 funding for kindergarten through 12th grade in Iowa has increased $845 million.

Access to Affordable Health Insurance: The Kitchen Table Issue of Our Time

Jason Schultz: The (Un)Affordable Care Act, commonly referred to as Obamacare, has wreaked havoc on our health care and health insurance industries. Policies disappeared, carriers pulled out of Iowa, and government meddling has caused policies to be much more expensive and yet, provide less coverage.Ā 

The Ongoing Abortion Debate in Iowa

Jason Schultz: The ongoing debate over abortion has little middle ground. Supporters and opponents of abortion have one thing in common: the intensity of emotions and devotion to the cause.

What To Do With the Bottle Bill?

Jason Schultz: The Iowa Beverage Container Deposit Law, or ā€œBottle Billā€ as most people refer to it, was enacted in 1978 in response to the number of cans found discarded in road ditches. Should the Iowa Legislature update, repeal, or leave the law alone?

Recapping The First Week of The 2018 Session in the Iowa Legislature

Jason Schultz: As we get back in the habit of driving to the Capitol each day, I am reminded of how grateful I am to serve western Iowa as their Senator.Ā  The work we do now will benefit Iowa for years and even a generation to come, and I am thankful they allow me to be a part of it.

Collective Bargaining Reform Made Local Control in School Spending Possible

Jason Schultz: Changes to our collective bargaining law have allowed school administrators to spend locally collected dollars where they are needed.

Fair Funding for Rural School Transportation

Jason Schultz: The Iowa Senate passed SF 455 which will start to bring equity to the funding levels between small and large geographic districts.

Collective Bargaining Reform: The Most Needed and Most Bold Action of 2017

Jason Schultz: Our reforms will have the effect of balancing the experience between the private sector, who provides the vast majority of tax revenue for public services, and the public sector employees who provide the services Iowans expect.

Projecting Iowa’s Tax Revenue and How It Impacts State Budgeting

Jason Schultz: Revenue Estimating Conference convened to provide their most recent assessment of Iowa tax income for Fiscal Years 16, 17, and 18.

A Victory for Iowa Taxpayers

Jason Schultz: Iowa Senate Democrats and Governor Terry Branstad finally agreed to join Iowa House and Senate Republicans to allow coupling.

Iowa Legislature is Set to Increase the Budget

Jason Schultz: Growth in spending in the good years can lead to problems in the tighter years. The Iowa Legislature is set to increase our budget for FY17.

Holding Local Schools Hostage

Schools need to know what the amount of State Supplemental Aid so they can budget and schools need to know the start date so they can plan their calendars.