QE3 And Why It Won’t Work

QE3 is now a fact. The Federal Reserve will be printing up money – $40 billion a month – to buy mortgage-backed securities and it is destined to fail.

Open Innovation And Its Economic Implications

How many of you have heard of Open Innovation? If you work…

Grad School: Four Education Reforms That Need To Happen

Everyone agrees that education has to be reformed. Republicans look for state-…

Social Conservatism and The Death Of the Irish Christian Right

It’s been a very tough week for Republicans in general, but in…

The Value of Choice: A Behavioral Economic Analysis

I’ve written previously about Behavioral economics, a field I’m about to study…

Trickle-down Economics: Does It Work?

Several times when I discuss conservative vs liberal/keynesian economics, the topic of…

Krugman Is Wrong Again: Slash Spending Now!

Paul Krugman (known as St Paul among liberals) is at it again.…

The Stimulus Failed: Here Is The Evidence

The next time any of your liberal friends talk about how we…

The Behavioral Economic Case Against Keynesianism

Recently, I wrote a post on behavioral economics, and I discussed the…

Nuclear Proliferation And Why We Should Support It

Could nuclear proliferation, ie the spread of nuclear weapons, actually be a…

Why I Don’t Want A Strong Europe

I’ve previously written about why I don’t support the Fiscal treaty/compact, and…

Is Behavioral Economics A Threat To Limited Government?

After a long break, here is finally another post. This time, I’m…

Conspiracy theories: Why They Are Popular

This is a subject that I’ve been thinking about for a while.…

Why Ireland Should Vote No To The Fiscal Compact

Those of you who have followed the developing Eurozone crisis have certainly…

Why A High Turnout Is Bad For Democracy

This is going to be one of my most controversial posts so…

A Fiscal Union: Not A Solution For The Eurozone

The powers that be are at it again. Since a while back…