Iowans Deserve Tax Credit Transparency

Hendrickson and Mozena: It’s time for Iowa to leave outdated economic development policies behind and embrace the future by increasing transparency and accountability.

Socialism Comes With a Price

John Hendrickson: President Roosevelt’s New Deal is a “dime store” compared to the radical and outlandish proposals being advocated by the plethora of Democrats running for president.

The Need for Restraint

John Hendrickson: We cannot return to the 1920s, but we can certainly apply the principles Harding and Coolidge used to begin restoring fiscal sanity.

Our $22 Trillion National Debt

John Hendrickson: Iowans must understand that the national debt crisis will not only impact them directly, but also state finances.

Property Taxes Need Accountability and Transparency

John Hendrickson: Increasing accountability and transparency should never be a controversial issue.

It’s Time to Audit Iowa’s Medicaid Program

It is unclear how much Medicaid fraud may be present in Iowa, but the evidence from other states strongly suggests that a program audit is needed.

The More You Tax Something, The Less You Will Get

John Hendrickson: Population trends show that states with low tax rates are gaining new residents, while an exodus is underway in high tax states.

Iowans Deserve Property Tax Relief

John Hendrickson and Jonathan Williams: A property tax cap, along with a strong truth in taxation process, would provide relief for hardworking taxpayers across Iowa.

Iowa Tax Reform’s Unfinished Work

John Hendrickson: It is vital that Iowa’s policymakers continue the work to lower tax rates, which also means revising and lowering the 4 percent revenue trigger.

Tax Rates Matter

John Hendrickson: Tax rates matter because the more you tax something, the less of it you will get. Iowa’s tax rates are some of the highest in the nation.

Remembering Senator Barry Goldwater’s Historic Campaign

This January marks the 55th anniversary of Arizona Senator Barry M. Goldwater announcing his intentions to run for president in 1964.

Let’s Get Real About Spending

John Hendrickson: Iowa policymakers should seriously consider a state spending limitation amendment. Strengthening Iowa’s spending limitation would finally place taxpayers first.

Iowa Needs to Total Up The Bill for Its Tax Credit Spending Spree

John Hendrickson and John C. Mozena: Iowa’s continued path to good jobs, economic growth and competitiveness isn’t from expanding tax credits or chasing high-profile deals.

Uncle Sam’s Dependent: Why an Inventory of all Federal Funds is Needed in Iowa

John Hendrickson: Iowa must be prepared when Uncle Sam is no longer able to provide generous support to our state budget.

The Battle Over McNary-Haugen and Federal Agriculture Policy

President Coolidge’s opposition to McNary-Haugen demonstrated his consistence within his political philosophy and preferred policy preferences of a limited government.

Tax Reform in Iowa is Creating Economic Growth

John Hendrickson and Paul Bachman: It is imperative that the legislature work to continue lowering Iowa’s tax rates to create opportunities, economic growth, and make Iowa more competitive.