Scott Walker Should Be a Guide for Collective Bargaining Reform for Iowa

John Hendrickson: Iowa lawmakers can learn from Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker and his Act 10 reforms as they debate collective bargaining reform here.

A Taxpayer Friendly Election

John Hendrickson: The 2016 election was a victory for taxpayers, but taxpayers will have to be vigilant holding their elected officials accountable.

America First! Trump’s Message Resonates With Voters

John Hendrickson: Trump’s “protectionism” is grounded in the conservative tradition and was the dominant policy for much of our nation’s history.

Calvin Coolidge’s Lesson on Civic Responsibility

John Hendrickson: Calvin Coolidge understood the importance of an informed citizenry and civic responsibility in maintaining our republic.

It’s Time to Renew the American Century

John Hendrickson: In order to renew the American Century, it is necessary to solve the debt crisis and reverse the current manufacturing decline.

The Forgotten Alexander Hamilton

John Hendrickson: Alexander Hamilton is a forgotten conservative statesman, whose ideas can help us solve the great national problems that we face today.

Beware of the Trans-Pacific Partnership and Fast-Track

John Hendrickson: It is clear that Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and granting President Obama fast-track authority is a dangerous policy on many levels.

Federalism and the Future of Constitutional Government

To restore traditional federalism, states as well as the people will have to repent of progressivism and return to the principles of the Constitution.

The Consequences of Progressive Economic Policies

“Progressives are the primary impediment to progress.” When examining progressive policies from both a historic and current perspective this is correct.

The American Economic Crisis Remains

The economic crisis will continue unless Americans reject the current policies that are emerging and realize that the welfare state must be trimmed back.

Calvin Coolidge: A Constitutional Presidency

Why Coolidge Matters is a solid overview of why the principles of President Calvin Coolidge can be applied to policy problems today.

A Renewed Call for a Federal Marriage Amendment

The solution to the marriage issue is to adopt a federal marriage amendment which protects traditional marriage.