Is a Young Universe Nonsense?

Phil Bair: It seems we cannot weasel out of the idea of apparent age no matter what we do, no matter what we think, no matter what theories we endorse or scorn.

Abortion is a Federal Matter

Phil Bair: Some pro-life proponents have urged leaders in DC to pass a Constitutional amendment to protect the life of the unborn, but we already have one.

The New (Old) Bigotry

Phil Bair: If even a few people can avoid the confusion between bigotry and integrity, we are further along than we were before.

The Life of the Mother Myth

Phil Bair: If we accept the faulty premise that some abortions are medically necessary some unscrupulous doctors may leverage these exceptions as loopholes.

Christian Patriotism

Phil Bair: God takes priority over country, but loyalties to both are not necessarily incompatible.

The Masculine and the Feminine

Phil Bair: Masculinity and femininity are equal—but they are by no means equivalent. If they were, God would not have “made them male and female.”

The Poisons of Progressivism

Phil Bair: Make no mistake: there is nothing admirable or compassionate about progressive culture.

Marx Attacks!

Phil Bair: The Marxists of today believe in class struggle just like Karl Marx did in his day, but they recognize that it won’t naturally happen on its own.

What Socialism Is and Isn’t

Phil Bair: Hordes of people—mostly the ones kissing the ring of the Democratic Party—are screaming for tyranny to become the very fabric of our existence.