False Prophets (Profits)

Sam Clovis: I honestly do not believe that equity markets are good indicators of national economic health, but a temperature gauge of public sentiment over a day’s events.

Words Matter

Sam Clovis: The leftists cannot compete in the arena of ideas, so they must resort to hate speech to intimidate and silence their opponents.


Sam Clovis: It is impossible to overstate the significance of having Brett Kavanaugh confirmed as an Associate Justice to the United States Supreme Court.

Life and Liberty

I believe in the protection of innocent life from conception to dignified,…

Obama Administration Coming Apart at the Seams

As each day passes we are learning more and more about the absolute failure that is the Obama Administration.

In Light of the Boston Marathon Bombing We Must Maintain Liberty

In light of the Boston Marathon Bombing it is tempting for some to give up more personal liberty in exchange for safety, we must resist.

Finding Balance in the Gun Debate

In the discussion surrounding the gun debate balance is missing. We must find solutions that address the problem while honoring the constitution.

Fed Up and Fighting Mad

With the RNC Growth and Opportunity Project report being released, we ought to be insulted and embarrassed that the party has fallen to this level.