Deconstructing Deconstruction

Collin Brendemuehl answers what deconstruction is and why it should matter to Christians.

Anthropology is the defining issue of the 21st Century

Colin Smothers: We may not be biologists, but we do know what a woman is.

There Is No New Normal

Dr. Jane Orient: If we let the experts prevail, will we have a brave new happy transhuman utopia? Or a pile of rubble?

Is Your News Hurting Your Mental Health?

Dr. Arturo Osorio: While it is understandable to keep up with the latest health information, excessive news consumption can lead to stress.

A Sherman in the South – Time to Get Rid of the Stars and Bars

Steve C. Sherman: Forget Kneeling for the Anthem…Stop Flying the Rebel Flag!

Reading Well Again

Shane Vander Hart: We would all be better off if we would spend less time on social media and more time reading literature. I know I would. 

Remembering 9/11

The attacks on the Twin Towers and the Pentagon, as well as, the brave actions of the passengers of Flight 93 happened 20 years ago.

Remembering the “Full-Dinner Pail” on Labor Day

John Hendrickson: Calvin Coolidge valued American labor and the spirit of work and his policies led to job creation and economic expansion.

The ‘White Replacement Theory’ Mess

Collin Brendemuehl: “It is easy to bait people, especially the reactionary, to get the desired result and advance an agenda.”

We Witnessed Two Collapses In One Week

Collin Brendemuehl: Afghanistan collapsed as did Wilsonian global governance. Management of other nations by whatever means does not work. That’s not peace.

Dealing With Doubt

Shane Vander Hart: While doubt is something that many of us go through from time to time, Christians are not meant to remain in that condition.

Three Books Addressing the Church Engaging Today’s Culture

Collin Brendemuehl critiques Christianity and Wokeness by Owen Strachan, Fault Lines by Voddie Baucham, and We Will Not Be Silenced by Erwin Lutzer.

American Olympians Are Humans – They Do Not Exist To Serve Our Country

Kelvey Vander Hart: American Olympians are humans with dignity and autonomy – they do not exist to serve our country.

Fake News Begets Fake History

Collin Brendemuehl: “Fake history” is worthy of exploration if to correct bad history. Good history is necessary because bad history exists.

The Systematic Evangelical Mind

Collin Brendemuehl: Everybody thinks systematically including evangelicals.  We interpret everything around us according to our frame of reference, which is certainly more than a mere mental state.