Strive To Be Ruled, Not Rule

Shane Vander Hart: As a Christian strives to be ruled by God, not rule, that should make a marked difference in how we approach politics and life.

Baucham Shows Pastoral Heart in Fault Lines

Collin Brendemuehl reviews Fault Lines: The Social Justice and Evangelicalism’s Looming Catastrophe by Dr. Voddie Baucham.

Pitfalls of the Church’s Involvement in Politics

Shane Vander Hart: The late Chuck Colson offers three pitfalls in the political realm for the Church and individual believers if they are not wary.

Is Religious Belief A Legitimate Way of Knowing?

Collin Brendemuehl: In the end, your relationship with the Lord remains as intellectually sound as any other type of knowledge.

Facebook’s Stranglehold on Today’s Public Square

Victoria Sinclair: We should all consider the power social media giants like Facebook have over our lives and the very content that we as a society discuss.

Quit Assigning Phobias

Kelvey Vander Hart: The next time somebody says you’re a phobic when it comes to a certain issue, whip out the actual definition of phobia and start the needed conversation.

Lacking Reason

Shane Vander Hart: Michael Green attributed the early church’s growth partly to the church’s ability to engage in persuasive apologetics and outthink her critics.

Five Shifts That Have Changed Our Thinking

Shane Vander Hart: J.P. Moreland in his book Kingdom Triangle explains five shifts in the way our culture thinks that as Christians we need to understand.

Christian Citizenship Part 3: Pluralism’s Difficulties

Brian Myers: The formal and intentional lack of religious identity as a nation that troubled many Christians even when a Christian consensus was still very much present.

Christian Citizenship Part 2: Establishment of Religion

Brian Myers: Could there not be a formal establishment of religion in the land with the institution of the church as a separate entity?

Christian Citizenship Part 1: A Christian Nation?

Brian Myers: When considering the responsibilities for the Christian in relation to his citizenship, we first need to consider what kind of nation we are in.

Rapid-Onset Revolution

Colin Smothers: We would do well to stop chasing what’s in vogue and recommit to the fundamentals of the faith in the Word of God.

The Life Issue Isn’t Subjective

Kelvey Vander Hart: We cannot afford to be subjective on the life issue any longer.

The American Cult

Collin Brendemuehl: Politics is temporal and should always be treated as such. Take the offensive with the gospel and the kingdom.

Was Jesus a Socialist?

Kelvey Vander Hart: If you understand what socialism really is you would understand that Jesus Christ, the son of God, was not (and is not) a socialist.

A Silver Lining With the Facebook Oversight Board Ruling?

Shane Vander Hart: Facebook could make some meaningful changes, increase transparency, clarify its standards, and apply those standards consistently. But will they?