Got Milk? Got Schizophrenia?

Complements of my daughter, Kelvey, who pointed this out to me.

Customer Service Nightmare

I don’t do restaurant reviews.  That isn’t the purpose of this blog,…

The Benefit of Boredom

I remember when I was growing up in a little town outside…

Being a Fool

April Fools Day takes on a special meaning for me as 18…

Weight, This Is Too Heavy To Bear

Proverbs 16:1-4 says, “To man belong the plans of the heart, but…

The Boundaries of Speaking Charitably

Just started to read Kevin DeYoung’s review of Brian McLaren’s book, A…

A Census of the Soul

Last night I was reading Psalm 40. Anytime I read this particular…

The Great Commission Is Not The Great Cultural Mandate

This isn’t to say that you shouldn’t find your “backyard mission” and…

Church Buildings

I recently learned that a more affluent church I know of may…

To Avoid Shipwreck and Provide For Our Posterity

I was in Boston last week for a training for the organization…

The Intolerance of Tolerance

WHO Radio’s Jan Mickelson spoke at an Iowa Family Policy Center event…

Discipleship in a Fast-paced World

I just started re-reading a great book called, A Long Obedience in…

Love = Vulnerability

“To love at all is to be vulnerable. Love anything, and your…

One Judge Says Minors Can Strip Since It’s “Art” (Update: Iowa Gubernatorial Candidate Reaction)

Here is a judge that needs to be impeached or at the…

Sticks and Stones and Cyberbullying

The phrase Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me is a nice idea, but what a ridiculous statement. I remember singing that like a nursery rhyme while bullies teased me and my brother on our way to school. But, the statement wasn’t true then, and it isn’t true now. Words can hurt. I still toss and turn over menacing words. They stick, they bury themselves inside of us, and they bring death of one sort or another.