Education policy, school choice, local control in education and homeschooling
U.S. Homeschooling Households Double During Pandemic
The U.S. Census Bureau reports that according to their Household Pulse Survey, the number of households that homeschooled doubled between May to October in 2020.
Kelvey Vander Hart: Education should be about what is best for the students, not defending a monopolized system and pushing a one-size-fits-all solution.
Shane Vander Hart: Homeschooling has to be a choice so that your family can take control and structure how you do it in a way that makes sense for your family.
DeVos: To fix education, ‘Embrace the family as the sovereign sphere that it is’
Education Secretary Betsy DeVos pointed to reforms enacted by theologian turned prime minister Abraham Kuyper and said U.S. education should “go Dutch.”
Michelle Crawford: The repercussions of the decisions to close schools, cancel youth sports, and extracurricular activities is not in the best interest of our nation’s children.
Reynolds Administration Gives Criteria for Online Learning
Gov. Kim Reynolds’ administration said schools can go primarily online for 14 days if they have ten percent absenteeism or county has a positivity rate over 20 percent.
Vander Hart: Trump’s Complaint About Higher Ed Is On Target, His Remedy Is Not
Shane Vander Hart: We don’t need the federal government to select winners and losers among colleges and be the arbiters of what is considered propaganda.
Supreme Court Rules Religious Schools Can’t Be Excluded From School Choice Programs
The Supreme Court ruled that Montana’s exclusion of religious schools in their school choice program was a violation of its residents free exercise rights.