Reynolds Appoints Dr. Ann Lebo to Lead the Iowa Department of Education

Gov. Kim Reynolds announced that Dr. Ann Lebo, executive director of the Iowa Board of Educational Examiners, will lead the Iowa Department of Education.

Iowa House and Senate Reach K-12 Funding Agreement

Iowa House and Senate leaders announced an agreement on a K-12 funding package of nearly $100 million of new funding for the 2020-21 school year.

The Des Moines Register Targets Homeschoolers, Again

Shane Vander Hart: The Des Moines Register continues to push a tired narrative that won’t do a blasted thing to end child abuse and neglect in the state.

Iowa Senate Ed Committee Votes to Remove Diversity Hurdle to Open Enrollment

The Iowa Senate Education Committee voted to remove diversity plans as a reason five Iowa school districts can use to deny open enrollment requests.

Supreme Court Considers Big School Choice Case

The U.S. Supreme Court has taken up a pivotal case in the fight for school choice: Espinoza v. Montana Department of Revenue where tax credit scholarships are at stake.

Warren Says ‘Young Trans Person’ Will Vet Education Secretary Nominee

Elizabeth Warren said as president she would only advance a Secretary of Education nominee who was interviewed and approved by a young trans person she met.

Socialism Pushed In A Middle School Classroom

Lisa Hudson: A middle school assignment in Matthews, N.C., highlights the lengths to which progressive teachers will go to advance a political agenda in the classroom.

Fully Funding K-12 Education In Iowa

Amy Sinclair: Senate Republicans will continue to make reliable and sustainable promises to Iowa schools and those promises will be kept.

State Senator Claire Celsi Promotes Elizabeth Warren’s Public School Plan

Iowa State Senator Claire Celsi says Elizabeth Warren’s plan that would drastically expand a federal role in K-12 education hits “all the right notes.”

Vacation Indoctrination: A Local Summer Travel Journal on Identity, Whiteness, and Sex?

Anne Taylor: Seeing how children are indoctrinated in stores and schools should raise awareness for what is at stake: Our childrenā€™s right to be free from harm.

Large Class Sizes and Public Education Funding in Iowa

With Des Moine Public Schools seeing classes that have over 40 students is the state of Iowa’s level of funding for K-12 education really the problem?

Iowa Students, Remember to Dream Big

U.S. Sen. Chuck Grassley: For the students across Iowa heading to class in the new school year, remember to dream big.

About Kamala Harris’ Teacher Pay Plan

Kamala Harris wants to raise teacher’s annual pay by $13,500. Shane Vander Hart asks if this is needed and, if so, it is not a federal problem.

Ernst and Grassley Respond to Seclusion and Restraint in Schools Report

U.S. Senators Joni Ernst and Chuck Grassley are pushing the U.S. Department of Education to immediately take action to ensure seclusion and restraint data is reported accurately.

Increase Iowa’s School Tuition Organization Tax Credit

Iowa Association of Christian Schools: Please send your legislators a message in support of an increase in School Tuition Organization (STO) tax credits.