Education policy, school choice, local control in education and homeschooling
Paying for College
Chuck Grassley: As graduates begin their climb up the ladder, the last thing they want to be saddled with after graduation is a mountain of student debt.
Obama’s Unconstitutional Power Grab Over School Bathrooms
The Obama Administration says all schools receiving Title IX money must allow access to sex-segregated activities and facilities based on gender identity.
The Iowa Legislature Delays Smarter Balanced Assessments
Both the Iowa House and Iowa Senate versions of an education appropriations bill includes a delay of the Smarter Balanced Assessments until July 1, 2017.
U.S. Senate Approves No Child Left Behind Replacement
The U.S. Senate replaces No Child Left Behind passing on a 85 to 12 vote the Every Student Succeeds Act that President Obama is expected to sign into law.
Study: Students Should Pass U.S. History Assessment Before Graduation
Pioneer Institute Study: States should mandate passage of a U.S. history assessment with a strong focus on the founding documents as a H.S. grad requirement.
Iowa Scores Stagnant, Achievement Gap Widens Post-Common Core
With the 2015 NAEP scores released Iowa sees little change in 4th and 8th grade math and reading, but does see the achievement gap increase post-Common Core.
Mike Huckabee: Education is a Mom and Dad Decision
Former Arkansas Governor and Republican Presidential candidate Mike Huckabee discussed homeschooling, education policy and Common Core in Urbandale, IA.
Carly Fiorina Scrutinized Over Common Core Associations
Activists have raised questions over Carly Fiorina’s associations with Common Core advocates in Arizona, her campaign says they welcome everyone’s support.