The Power of God

Stephen Charnock: “God’s power is like Himself: infinite, eternal, incomprehensible; it can neither be checked, restrained, nor frustrated by the creature.”

What Is An Evangelical?

Shane Vander Hart: Evangelicalism is not just white, not Republican, and not monolithic. It is defined by the good news of Jesus Christ as revealed in scripture.

Ephesians 6 Is Not a Call to Arms in the Culture War

Shane Vander Hart: Ephesians 6 does not describe preparation for a fight against a political ideology but preparation for spiritual warfare.

Christ the Central Fact of History

Shane Vander Hart: No one has impacted the world more than Jesus Christ. Even religious skeptics can’t deny his influence on history and Western civilization.

Key Resolutions Passed at the 2021 Southern Baptist Convention

Shane Vander Hart: It is important to recognize that all of these resolutions are non-binding, but they reflect the direction and attitude of Southern Baptists.

The Invitation of Christ

John Owen imagines Christ’s invitation for us: “Come I entreat you; lay aside all procrastinations, all delays; put me off no more; eternity lies at the door.”

Christ’s Domain

“There is not a square inch in the whole domain of our human existence over which Christ, who is Sovereign over all, does not cry, ‘Mine!'” – Abraham Kuyper

Isaiah’s Affirmation That These Are Not Unique Times

Kelvey Vander Hart: Isaiah 59 affirms that we are not living in unique times.

Do You Think Your Prayers Are Hitting a Ceiling?

Collin Brendemuehl: We’ve forgotten the core principle of maturity in the New Testament church. It’s really simple: To be found faithful.

Have You Murdered Anyone Lately?

Shane Vander Hart: Far too many Christians while not physically murdering their brothers and sisters are guilty of doing so in their hearts and minds.

The Southern Baptist Convention Is At A Crossroads

Shane Vander Hart: Southern Baptists need to cooperatively, concisely affirm what is vital for churches to remain in cooperation with one another.

You’ve Been Warned

Shane Vander Hart: Biblical narratives serve as a warning, but also an encouragement as we are reminded of God’s faithfulness for those who follow Him.

Reasons to Behave

Collin Brendemuehl: There is no proper virtue outside a duty that provides scope; there is no proper duty without a virtue that gives it purpose.

Prepare to See and to Serve

Jesus in Matthew 6:19-34 calls his followers to an unswerving loyalty to those values, trusting God in a wholehearted way that is free from compromise.

The Church’s Individualism Problem

Collin Brendemuehl discusses the problem of individualism within the church and how it fuels anti-intellectualism and impacts church discipline.

Calculating Without God?

Shane Vander Hart: Calculating without God, according to Oswald Chambers, is the exact reason why we have anxiety, why we lack peace.