Division and Compromise Within the Evangelical Church

Collin Brendemuehl: The starting point for a solution would be for every church to become, at some level, a local church Bible institute.

The Heart of Man Is Restless

Shane Vander Hart: God made us to long for His rest. So often we try to find rest in other things, but often avoid the very One who can give us rest.

Continued Repentance

Shane Vander Hart: Reading the Puritan prayer, “Continued Repentance” from The Valley of Vision I am reminded again of how wonderful God’s grace is.

A Mom’s Prayer

Becky Pliego: How can I thank you for allowing me the privilege to be called “Mom”?

Jesus on Jesus (Part 2)

What does Jesus have to say about Himself? A walk through the Gospels we can see that Jesus claims to be God in numerous ways, here is part 2 of Jesus on Jesus.

Jesus on Jesus (Part I)

What does Jesus have to say about Himself? A walk through the Gospels we can see that Jesus claims to be God in numerous ways, here is part 1 of Jesus on Jesus.

I Am Weak, But Jesus Is Strong

Shane Vander Hart: We are poor and weak, but Christ is strong. We were dead, but Christ made us alive, and only by remaining in Him can we hope to be fruitful.

God’s People Were Chosen In The Furnace of Affliction

“It was never designed by God, when he chose his people, that they should be an untried people. They were chosen in the furnace of affliction.” – Charles Spurgeon

Jesus Is Our Justification

Shane Vander Hart: Jesus is our just and justifier because we are completely unable to justify ourselves before a righteous, holy God.

You Need To Die

Shane Vander Hart: When we die to sin, when we deny ourselves, it is then when we truly live.

Seven Ways Christians Should Respond to Persecution

Shane Vander Hart: Jesus promised that the world will hate His followers so Christians should not be surprised when it happens and respond accordingly as we experience it.

What Is Your Only Comfort in Life and Death?

The very first question of the Heidelberg Catechism asks, “What is your only comfort in life and death?” The answer you give is of eternal importance.

What is Truly Precious?

Shane Vander Hart: What is truly precious? Jesus. He Himself is our treasure. Without Him, nothing else matters.

Overcoming the Most Segregated Hour of the Week

Sunday morning is described as the most segregated time in the week. Shane Vander Hart discusses why that is and shares five thoughts on how to address it.

The Tomb Is Empty!

While Christians’ belief in the resurrection takes faith, it is a reasonable faith. There is plenty of affirmative evidence that the tomb is empty!

Seven Last Words of Christ

As we commemorate Good Friday, Shane Vander Hart reflects on the seven last sayings (“words”) of Jesus Christ as He hung on the cross.