Shane Vander Hart: Regarding the offense of the cross here are some words of wisdom from the late British theologian and biblical scholar John R.W. Stott.
Remembering the Legacy of President Herbert Hoover
John Hendrickson: Hoover led a remarkable life that was based upon public service, humanitarianism, and a belief that America is an exceptional nation.
Shane Vander Hart: Michael Horton said Pelagianism is the ‘default setting’ of the human heart and semi-Pelagianism has infiltrated many American churches.
Don’t Mistake Civic Religion with Biblical Christianity
Shane Vander Hart: Common beliefs as a nation are important but civic religion is not biblical Christianity, and it should never be the object of our faith.
Shane Vander Hart: Historically, any significant legislation or court opinion has almost always been preceded by a social movement that moved the needle.
Shane Vander Hart: Isaiah 43 provides a great reminder that whatever challenges we face, difficulties that arise, obstacles that seem to be in our way… we are to fear not.