Dealing With Doubt

Shane Vander Hart: While doubt is something that many of us go through from time to time, Christians are not meant to remain in that condition.

The Smooth Talking False Gospel

Michael Horton in the third chapter of Christless Christianity sets his sights on the Word of Faith movement, in particular Joel Osteen.

Our God, Our Help In Ages Past

Shane Vander Hart: Not only is God our help for ages past, but He is also our help and hope for today as well!

Three Books Addressing the Church Engaging Today’s Culture

Collin Brendemuehl critiques Christianity and Wokeness by Owen Strachan, Fault Lines by Voddie Baucham, and We Will Not Be Silenced by Erwin Lutzer.

Why Does The Cross Offend?

Shane Vander Hart: Regarding the offense of the cross here are some words of wisdom from the late British theologian and biblical scholar John R.W. Stott.

Remembering the Legacy of President Herbert Hoover

John Hendrickson: Hoover led a remarkable life that was based upon public service, humanitarianism, and a belief that America is an exceptional nation.

The Offense of the Cross

Shane Vander Hart: If what you are teaching and preaching is the true Gospel, it will offend some.

Bernie Sanders Doesn’t Understand What It Means to Be Working Class

Christina Herrin: I don’t want an America that incentivizes people to not work.

American Olympians Are Humans – They Do Not Exist To Serve Our Country

Kelvey Vander Hart: American Olympians are humans with dignity and autonomy – they do not exist to serve our country.

Confusing Law and Gospel

Shane Vander Hart: We can’t ‘live’ the gospel. We can’t ‘do’ the Gospel. We can’t ‘be’ the Gospel. But we can believe it and share it.

America’s Forgotten Economist

John Hendrickson: The American System that Henry C. Carey supported and defended was resurrected by President Trump’s administration.

Our Natural Heresy

Shane Vander Hart: Michael Horton said Pelagianism is the ‘default setting’ of the human heart and semi-Pelagianism has infiltrated many American churches.

Don’t Mistake Civic Religion with Biblical Christianity

Shane Vander Hart: Common beliefs as a nation are important but civic religion is not biblical Christianity, and it should never be the object of our faith.

Fake News Begets Fake History

Collin Brendemuehl: “Fake history” is worthy of exploration if to correct bad history. Good history is necessary because bad history exists.

Fear Not

Shane Vander Hart: Isaiah 43 provides a great reminder that whatever challenges we face, difficulties that arise, obstacles that seem to be in our way… we are to fear not.