If My People Part 6: His Promise

We are called to be the salt and light of the world and to speak the truth with love standing strong and confident on the foundation of God’s truth.

If My People Part 5: Wicked Ways

It is time for us to get real and make sure our actions and words align with biblical truth. Remember, God’s truth is not relative and is not conformed to the world we live in. It doesn’t change with the times and isn’t modified to fit with what the world tells us is acceptable.

If My People Part 4: Seek His Face

When a nation turns from God it no longer seeks the absolute truth, but rather prefers to make its own truth to fit whatever it wants.

If My People Part 2: Humble Ourselves

Have you humbled yourself before God? Not a day goes by in our human lives that we do not have something to lay down before Christ.

If My People Part 1: Breaking Heart

As a nation, we have rejected the God that created us; the God that blessed us with our nation, our freedom, our rights – everything. The solution is not to be found in an election, legislation, a court decision or a political party.