Gallup: 59 Percent of Americans Support School Choice at the Federal Level

A new Gallup Poll shows that 59 percent of Americans support federal funding of school choice programs while only 26 percent oppose.

Scott Walker Discusses Educational Choice (Video)

At the American Federation for Children policy summit, Gov. Scott Walker discussed how Wisconsin’s education reforms have benefited the state’s children.

New Poll: School Choice Has Strong Public Support

A new report released provides a compilation of nationwide polling data that shows growing support for expanded school choice.

Hey Diane Ravitch, School Vouchers Do Work

I read people I disagree with.  I believe it is healthy to…

Louisiana Association of Educators Threaten Voucher Schools With Lawsuit

The teachersā€™ union in Louisiana, the Louisiana Association of Educators, are now…

Parents Know Best

WASHINGTON, D.C. (April 5, 2012)ā€”The American Federation for Childrenā€”the nationā€™s voice for…