The Bullying Tactics of the Tolerance Police

The left and LGBT advocates don’t want real tolerance. They want compliance and they will bully you in order to get it or to make you pay.

Same-Sex Marriage and the Supreme Court

The Supreme Court of the United States announced Friday to take up two cases related to same-sex marriage. A mixed result for both sides is likely.

Uniting People Around Defending Marriage is Bad, Causing Division by Changing Marriage Definition is Good

That is basically the meme in the media over the past couple of…

9th Circus Court Declares CA Constitution Unconstitutional in Predictable Prop 8 Ruling

Yes the robed masters in San Francisco, CA know best, seven million…

9th Circuit Court: No Gay Marriages In California While Prop 8 Decision Is Appealed

Even though Governor Schwarzennegger wanted homosexuals to begin marrying right after Federal…

Judge Vaughn Walker’s Fallacy of Composition in his California Prop 8 Ruling

Matthew Franck writing at Public Discourse made an excellent point about the…

Judge Vaugh Walker’s Ruling on California’s Prop 8

Following up my earlier post on this as I have some additional…

Judicial Tyrant Overrules Voters on California’s Prop 8

We have reached a crossroads.  Now lone unelected, unaccountable judges think they…

Obama’s 2nd SCOTUS Pick: Elena Kagan

I can’t say I know much about President Obama’s second nominee to…

Prejean’s Pastor on O’Reilly Factor

Carrie Prejean’s pastor, Miles McPherson, pastor of The Rock Church in San…

This is Tolerance?

I’ve been debating whether or not to post on this, but it…

Legal Definitions Do Matter

Mollie Hemingway made some great points the other day about why changing…

Faux Marriage

There’s been wide-ranging reaction to California’s proposition 8 being passed with overrules…