Kelvey Vander Hart: On June 10th, 1964, members of the Democratic Party ended their filibuster of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. They would like us to forget.
Title VII was enacted, in part, to protect women in the workforce from discrimination, and does not include claims based on âsexual orientationâ and âgender identity.â
August 23, 2019
3 minute read
The New (Old) Bigotry
Phil Bair: If even a few people can avoid the confusion between bigotry and integrity, we are further along than we were before.
Trump Administration Looks to Affirm Biological Definition of Sex in Law
The New York Times reports the Trump Administration via the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services is looking to affirm the biological definition of sex in federal law.
Republicans, Fight Back Against Liberal Propaganda
Kelvey Vander Hart: Republicans must remind the political world of who it is that cares, who gets things done. We must fight back against liberal propaganda