Episode 03 – David Melber Discusses Southern Baptist Hurricane Relief

Shane Vander Hart talks with David Melber, Vice President of Send Relief with the North American Mission Board about Southern Baptist hurricane relief efforts.

Video: A Simple Gift Comes Full Circle

A simple gift can transform lives as this powerful video featuring several recipients of a shoe box gift from Operation Christmas Child demonstrates.

The Power of a Simple Gift

Operation Christmas Child is a ministry of Samaritan’s Purse that distributes approximately 100 million shoebox gifts to children all over the world.

The 10 Most Popular Strategies for Helping the Poor–Are They Cost Effective?

It is so easy for evangelicals to overlook meeting physical needs when

Compassion Child of the Month: Maurico (Columbia)

Our compassion child for July is a 7-year-old boy named Maurico who

Compassion Child of the Month: Rachel (Nicaragua)

Our compassion child for June is a 5-year-old girl named Rachel who

Compassion Child of the Month: Jose (Ecuador)

Our Compassion Child for May is Jose is a 7-year-old living in

Compassion Child of the Month: Esther (Rwanda)

Esther is a 9-year-old girl living in Rwanda and is our Compassion

The Great Commission Is Not The Great Cultural Mandate

This isn’t to say that you shouldn’t find your “backyard mission” and