Politicians: The Snake Oil Salesman of Our Day

Steve Sherman: Our current ā€œSnake Oil Salesmanā€ donā€™t wear white suits and stand on the street corner, but they are just as brazen in their dishonesty.

Caffeinated Thoughts Radio 3-22-14

Shane Vander Hart and Brian Myers talk to Tom Hoefling, Republican candidate in Iowa’s Governor’s race and share thoughts on Fred Phelps passing.

AFP Launches New Ad: Americans Want Jobs, Not Obamacare

Thursday Americans for Prosperity, the nation’s largest advocate for health care freedom,…

Ben Lange Releases Special Report on Medicare

GOP Congressional Candidate Ben Lange challenges Congressman Bruce Braley to show his Medicare savings plan in Iowa’s 1st Congressional District Race.

The Stimulus WORKED! For Public Employee Unions

The Des Moines Register in Sunday’s editorial claimed that the stimulus worked. If so it did only for public employee unions, not the American taxpayer.

Boehner’s Dud of a Budget Deal

The Congressional Budget Office announced yesterday the deal made by House Speaker…

Steve King: DREAM Act is a Multi-Billion Dollar Amnesty Nightmare

Washington D.C.- Congressman Steve King (R-IA), Ranking Member of the Subcommittee on…

Steve King: Has CBO Scored DREAM Act as a $20 Billion Giveaway to Illegal Aliens?

Washington D.C.- Congressman Steve King (R-IA) today issued the following statement after…

Top Five Falsehoods in Democratic Health Care Talking Points

A rebuttal to the Democratic talking points going around after the White…

I’m Seeing Red

Another example of why President Obama lacks credibility, in particular when he…

Doing Nothing Would Be Less Harmful Than Porkulus

According to the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office, the Washington Times reports. President…