Peter DeFazio: Obama Told Congressional Democrats Not Passing Tax Deal Could End Presidency

Congressman Peter DeFazio (D-OR) said that President Barack Obama warned not passingā€¦

Sarah Palin: Obamaā€™s Predictable, Tiring, Ineffective Lecture

By Sarah Palin Congressā€™ approval rating is at 11% because politicians thwartā€¦

An Honest Discussion

By Jim Gibbons, Republican Candidate for Iowaā€™s Third Congressional District Instability inā€¦

When You Lose Income You Cut Spending Right?

At least that is what most sane households would do, but thisā€¦

And The Answer Isā€¦ Government

The cartoon below was too funny not to share! Seems to encapsulateā€¦

Socialism Creeping In

There is much that has me concerned with Federal plan to helpā€¦