Alliance Defending Freedom: 2017 – A Banner Year for the First Amendment

With a critical victory at the U.S. Supreme Court and two other cases in progress there, Alliance Defending Freedom action in defense of freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and freedom of conscienceā€”including artistic freedomā€”is having far-reaching effects for the good of all Americans.

SCOTUS To Take Up Case With Big Implications for Religious Conscience

The Supreme Court will decide if Christian florists, bakers, photographers, etc. can be compelled to provide services for same-sex wedding ceremonies.

SCOTUS Levels Playing Field for Religious Institutions Using Public Funds

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled 7 to 2 in favor of a Missouri church who was denied a state grant to improve the safety of their preschool’s playground.

SCOTUS Ruling a Big Win for Religious Liberty

The Supreme Court this morning ruled 5-4 in Burwell v. Hobby Lobby…