President Obama, Love Is Not Natural

Shane Vander Hart: Former President Barack Obamaā€™s tweets quoting Nelson Mandela about love offer a beautiful sentiment, but are theologically flawed.

Why Yik Yak is Not the Problem

Some blamed Yik Yak for the recent threats toward Southeast Polk, but the problem is not Yik Yak. The problem is the degenerate hearts of those using it.

If My People Part 5: Wicked Ways

It is time for us to get real and make sure our actions and words align with biblical truth. Remember, Godā€™s truth is not relative and is not conformed to the world we live in. It doesnā€™t change with the times and isnā€™t modified to fit with what the world tells us is acceptable.

James Madisonā€™s Insight Into Todayā€™s Abuse of Power

With Federalist 51 it seems that James Madison could see into the future with the current disregard of checks and balances, but he just knew human nature.

27 Murders After Breakfast

You will not hear or read about the real cause behind and solution for the shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, CT in the media.

Godā€™s Sovereignty and Election Day

Regardless of whether Mitt Romney wins or Barack Obama wins Godā€™s sovereignty has not changed. He is in control.

Today is the Anniversary of the Worst School Massacre in United States History.

ā€œAmericaā€™s bloodiest crime against students wasnā€™t committed by white teenagers in blackā€¦

Happy Atheistsā€™ Day

A sober assessment in scriptureā€¦ The fool says in his heart, ā€œThereā€¦


How much is too much? We strive, we try, we do ourā€¦

Lecraeā€™s ā€œKillaā€ a Poignant Word Picture of Sin

Iā€™m continually amazed at the lyrics that Lecrae brings to hip hop,ā€¦

No One Is Righteous (Romans 3:9-20)

9 What then? Are we Jews any better off? No, not atā€¦

Here I Stand: Doctrine of Man

So far Iā€™ve discussed the Scriptures which are the foundation for ourā€¦

Godā€™s Wrath on Unrighteousness (Romans 1:18-32)

18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against allā€¦

Godā€™s Wrath on Unrighteousness (Romans 1:18-32)

18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against allā€¦

At the Heart of Christianity is Good News

What is at the heart of Christianity?  It isnā€™t moralistic teaching.  Itā€¦

We Need a Savior, Not a Self-Help Book

It seems like we are trying to ā€œfind our best life nowā€ā€¦