The FAMiLY Leader Abandons Its Stated Principles to Promote Romney, Oust Barack Obama In the summer of 2011, The FAMiLY Leader (TFL) called on Republicanā¦ David ShedlockOctober 22, 20123 minute read
Bachmann Breaks FAMiLY Leader Vow Made Before God, Endorses Romney. Will Santorum Follow Suit? Back in July, I challenged Christians and other Republicans to askā¦ David ShedlockMay 7, 20122 minute read
EXCLUSIVE: Family Leader and Bob Vander Plaats Will Not Endorse Gingrich, Great News for Bachmann or Santorum At Governor Huckabeeās Gift of Life movie premiere last evening, I hadā¦ David ShedlockDecember 15, 20112 minute read
Pro-Life Groups Should Say No to Newt and Pooh-Pooh Perry. Newt Gingrich and Governor Rick Perry, along with Mitt Romney, have madeā¦ David ShedlockNovember 23, 20112 minute read
The Family Leader holds a āThanksgiving Family Forumā The Family Leader held a āThanksgiving Family Forumā today in Des Moines,ā¦ Brian MyersNovember 20, 20114 minute read
Ask Congressman Bachmann or Senator Santorum: Will you support Romney or Pawlenty, if they win the GOP nomination? FAMiLY Leader Pledge: Suicidal Pact With the Devil. I wish I wereā¦ David ShedlockJuly 14, 20113 minute read
The FAMiLY Leaderās Flip-Flop On Late-Term Abortion I have had the privilege of working with a number of pro-lifeā¦ Eric GoransonJune 14, 20115 minute read