Senator Mike Braun is a true fiscal budget hawk

John Hendrickson: U.S. Senator Mike Braun is a rare budget hawk in Congress and his efforts to address both the national debt and rein in spending should be seriously considered.

Remembering Warren G. Harding: The Original America First President

John Hendrickson: Many of the policy challenges confronting the nation today could be solved by following the principles and polices of President Harding.

Uncle Sam Is Broke

John Hendrickson: The national debt when unfunded liabilities like Social Security and Medicaid are considered is $123.11 trillion, $796,000 per taxpayer.

Rogers: Iowans Vote to Maintain Conservative Values and Pro-Growth Policies

Walt Rogers: The 2020 election results sent a signal that Iowans want to stay the course with conservative values and pro-growth economic policies.

Hendrickson: Governor Reynolds Receives an “A” for Her Fiscal Conservatism

John Hendrickson: Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds received an “A” grade from the Cato Institute for her conservative budget and tax policies.

The Need for Restraint

John Hendrickson: We cannot return to the 1920s, but we can certainly apply the principles Harding and Coolidge used to begin restoring fiscal sanity.

Financial Regulation: Three Reforms Conservatives Should Support

Conservatives want less financial regulation and vow to repeal and replace what Obama has implemented. Here are three reforms they should favor.

Why I Am Joining The UK Independence Party

Inside British politics – What makes the UK Independence Party more attractive than the Tories for a newcomer to the United Kingdom?

Uniting a Fractured Republican Party

There is an ongoing civil war within the Republican Party. How does one bring social conservatives, moderates, and libertarians together?

Rick Santorum Discusses His Economic Revitalization Plan

Late last week Senator Rick Santorum’s campaign released his “Made In America”…

Ten Reasons Why My Iowa Caucus Vote Goes to Rick Santorum

I put a lot of thought in who I was going to…

Tenther Scott Walker And Planned Parenthood

Republicans in the US House of Representatives tried to defund the abortion…

Newt Gingrich Strikes Out in First Week

I don’t know if the start to Newt Gingrich’s start of his…

Mr. Tea Party, Herman Cain, Talks Common Sense at the Des Moines Tea Party Rally

I understand that former Godfather’s Pizza CEO, Herman Cain, is not the…

CPAC Review: Mitch Daniels Needs To Understand How We Have Strayed From Our Founding

The remarks of Governor Mitch Daniels (R-IN) were sadly problematic. The Governor…

Ronald Reagan: A Time For Choosing

Today is the 46th Anniversary of President Ronald Reagan’s speech, “A Time…