Unlike Frank Luntz, I Have Hope for Millenials

Frank Luntz declared that Republicans have lost the Millenial generation, but those who engage, inspire and challenge Millenials will make inroads with them.

2015 Presidential Family Forum (Full Video)

The 2015 Presidential Family Forum featured Carly Fiorina, Mike Huckabee, Rick Santorum, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, Ben Carson and Ted Cruz.

An Open Letter to Donald Trump About Forgiveness

Shane Vander Hart writes an open letter to Donald Trump after he admitted he has never asked God for forgiveness at the FAMiLY Leadership Summit in Ames, IA.

Trump Implodes

Brian Myers: Donald Trump hit U.S. Senator John McCain (R-AZ) below the belt in Ames on Saturday. His campaign will collapse, sooner now rather than later.

Date Changed for FAMiLY Leadership Summit

Date of the FAMiLY Leadership Summit moves from August 15th to July 18th, Frank Luntz and National Organization for Marriage partners with The FAMiLY Leader.

Words That Work: Luntz on Palinā€™s Speech

I like Frank Luntz, I enjoyed his analysis of speeches and debatesā€¦