SPLC Cannot Defend ā€œHate Trackerā€ with #MerryChristmas and #Jesus

The SPLC ā€œHate Trackerā€ page includes the following social media hashtags: #christmas, #merrychristmas, #merrychristmaseve, #jesus, and #whitegenocide and #ineedwhitesupremacybecause this week.

Southern Poverty Law Center Falsely Defames Another Person

The Southern Poverty Law Center, which misrepresents many pro-family groups as ā€œhate groups,ā€ added Campus Reform’s Hannah Scherlacher to its hate list.

Video: Al Franken Calls Defending Religious Freedom Hate

U.S. Senator Al Franken (D-MN) questioned judicial nominee’s judgment for speaking at an event hosted by Alliance Defending Freedom he considers a hate group.

Stop Calling Conservative Groups Hate Groups

That is the unexpected call from Dana Milbank a liberal columnist for…