Individual Insurance Mandate in Federal Health Care Reform Law Declared Unconstitutional

One of the primary arguments made by Republicans against Obamacare was that…

Mitt Romney’s Albatross–RomneyCare: An Appeal to Federalism Won’t Help His 2012 Presidential Bid

David Weinberger at The Daily Caller wrote an op/ed about how RomneyCare…

Obamacare Makes Flex Spending Accounts Less Flexible

I was reminded today of a provision in the new health care…

Brenna Findley’s First TV Ad – “Choice” in Iowa Attorney General Campaign

Brenna Findley, Republican nominee for Iowa Attorney General, has launched her first…

Congressman Leonard Boswell’s Voting Record Cost Iowa Families

Zaun: Congressman Boswell Has Now Had Six Months to ā€˜Read The Billā€™ā€¦…

Sherrod Brown’s Faux Understanding of the Tea Party

Senator Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio) is tone deaf, and obviously not up for…

Governor Mike Huckabee Touches the New Third Rail of Politics: Insurance Coverage Mandates

If there is one axiom conservatives and liberals can agree on, it…

Obamacare 6 Months Later: Steve King’s Repeal in House GOP Pledge & Number of Democrats Touting It

This morning I criticized the House Republicanā€™s Pledge to America due to…

A Thistle to The Des Moines Register’s Editorial Board for Their Critique of Brad Zaun

The Des Moines Register loves giving out thistles, and it seems like…

Missouri Voters Reject Mandatory Health Insurance

Yesterday Missouri voters had the chance to vote on Proposition C which…

ObamaCare – It’s Bad, It’s Worse… It’s Ugly

Iā€™ve been watching the coverage from both sides on ObamaCare and what…

Krugman’s Fantasy vs. Kudlow’s Business Acumen

Today’s perusal of RealClearPolitics brought an interesting juxtaposition of two views that…

Pelosi to Musicians: Quit Your Jobs Taxpayers Will Cover Your Healthcare

One of the benefits of the recent health care legislation according to…

Thanks Obama – The Coming Shortage Of Doctors And Hospitals That Will Destroy American Health Care

As you read this article, there are not nearly enough doctors and…

Repeal and Replace With Real Reform

Yuval Levin in The Weekly Standard wrote an article entitled ā€œRepeal.ā€  In…

A Syllogism For Fools

My friend and fellow political junkie Breanne Hammett posted the following observation…