Iowa, Michigan Christian Colleges Win Freedom From HHS Mandate

A federal district court issued an order Tuesday that permanently halts enforcement of the 2011 HHS mandate against two Christian colleges: Dordt College of Iowa and Cornerstone University of Michigan.

2013 A Bad Year for Obamacare Abortion Pill Mandate

Washington, DC – 2013 proved to be a bad year for the…

Obama Reveals Blatant Hypocrisy On Religious Freedom

Susan B. Anthony List blasts President Barack Obama on his hypocrisy declaring 1/16/13 as Religious Freedom Day, 2013 while denying it to others.

Rick Perry in Iowa: Obama is Waging War on People of Faith and Our Values

Governor Rick Perry (R-TX) was a keynote speaker at The FAMiLY Leaderā€™s…

Mitt Romney Releases Ad Attacking Obama’s Assault on Religious Freedom

The Romney campaign released an ad entitled ā€œBe Not Afraidā€ that attacks…

Catholic Georgetown University Invites Kathleen Sebelius to Speak

Vox Populi, the staff blog of the Georgetown Voice announced those who…

Sebelius Demonstrates Cluelessness Over Constitutionality of Free Birth Control Mandate

Congressman Trey Gowdy (R-SC) questions Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius…