What Would Claire Celsi Tweet?

A look through one week of tweets by State Senator Claire Celsi one can see she would rather be a partisan activist than serious legislator.

The Des Moines Register Targets Homeschoolers, Again

Shane Vander Hart: The Des Moines Register continues to push a tired narrative that won’t do a blasted thing to end child abuse and neglect in the state.

Iowa House Bill Requires “Health and Wellness” Checks of Homeschoolers

HF 272 sponsored by State Representative Mary Mascher (D-Iowa City) requires school districts to perform quarterly home visits of their homeschooling families.

Iowa House Democrat Bill Would Roll Back Homeschooling Freedom

State Representative Mary Mascher (D-Iowa City) introduced a bill, HF 182, that would roll back every gain made by Iowa’s homeschooling community in 2013.

Staed Wants Iowa’s Public Schools to Do Wellness Checks on Homeschoolers

State Rep. Art Staed (D-Cedar Rapids) drafted a bill that would require Iowa’s public schools to perform “health and wellness” checks on homeschoolers.

McCoy Wants Independent Private Instruction Parents to Notify Schools

State Senator Matt McCoy (D-Des Moines) introduced a bill into the Iowa Senate that would require parents who homeschool under independent private instruction (IPI) to submit a written notice to their local school districts by September 1st of their intent to do so.

The Des Moines Register’s Obsession With Homeschooling Crops Up Again

Shane Vander Hart: Since it is the start of a new legislative session, The Des Moines Register takes yet another shot at homeschooling in 2018.

Our Iowa GOP Poll Shows Strong Support for Education Liberty

Our Iowa GOP readers favor Education Savings Accounts and oppose homeschool reporting, Common Core, and denying open enrollment based on economics.

The Des Moines Register Push Polls Anti-Homeschooling Narrative

The Des Moines Register followed up years of anti-homeschooling coverage with a push poll that supports the change in Iowa’s law they advocated for.

Homeschooling Is Not a Risk Factor for Child Abuse

Homeschooling was never listed as a risk factor by the Commission to Eliminate Child Abuse and Neglect Fatalities nor was it even mentioned in the report.

The Des Moines Register Must Hate Homeschooling

The Des Moines Register once again attacks Iowa homeschooling families and the new freedom they enjoy under independent private instruction.

Iowa House Democrats File Anti-Homeschooling Measure

State Representative Sharon Steckman (D-Mason City) filed HF 214 that would repeal Independent Private Instruction enacted in 2013 in a legislative bargain.

Iowa House Democrats Attack Homeschoolers

State Representative Sharon Steckman (D-Mason City) sought signatures of her fellow members

Homeschoolers and Iowa Truancy Laws

The Iowa State Board of Education voted on rules stating that parents who opt to do independent private instruction are subject to Iowa’s truancy laws.

The Des Moines Register’s Attack on Homeschooling Deserves a Thistle

The Des Moines Register engages in misinformation and fear mongering in their Sunday editorial that is nothing but an attempt to smear homeschooling.

Iowa Legislature Approves Landmark Home Education Legislation

The Iowa Legislature approved home education measures within a education reform bill that will make Iowa one of the best states to home school.