Religious Freedom Restoration Act Advances in Iowa Senate

Iowa’s version of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) survived the first funnel week of the 2018 legislative session. SSB 3171, sponsored by State Senator Julian Garrett (R-Indianola) was passed out of the Iowa Senate Local Government Committee by a 7 to 4 vote.

Religious Freedom Restoration Act Filed in the Iowa Senate

A bill entitled the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, was filed in the Iowa Senate on Thursday. Ā The bill is modeled after the federal Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993 that was passed with bipartisan support in Congress and signed into law by President Bill Clinton.

Iowa Senate Passes 20 Week Abortion Ban

The Iowa Senate passed Senate File 471, a 20-week abortion ban, on a 32 to 17 vote that included all Senate Republicans, an Independent and three Democrats.

A Wave of Pro-Life Bills Filed in the Iowa Senate

The Iowa Senate with its new GOP majority have six pro-life bills filed including bills defunding abortion providers and banning abortions at 20-weeks.

The ā€œFriendsā€ in Planned Parenthoodā€™s Friend of the Court Brief

There are three organizations supporting Planned Parenthood in a Friend of the Court Brief to the Iowa Supreme Court that you should be aware of.

“You Could Hear Screaming From The Other Room”

Some studies cited in Friend of the Court brief submitted to Iowa Supreme Court include chilling quotes that are not very friendly to Planned Parenthood.

Iowa House Bill Prevents No-Fault Divorce Between Parents

State Representative Ted Gassman introduced HF 338 in the Iowa House which would prevent parents with minor children from getting a no-fault divorce.