Iowa House Republicans introduced two bills addressing the 2009 Iowa Supreme Court decision that ruled Iowa’s Defense of Marriage Act unconstitutional.
Pro-life advocates say seeing an ultrasound picture and hearing its description is an effective tool to help abortion-minded women in the state choose life.
Doctor Prescribed Suicide Bill Filed By Iowa House Democrats
Eight Iowa House Democrats filed HF 65 entitled the “Iowa Death with Dignity Act.” Prolife activists have another term for it – doctor prescribed suicide.
Iowa House Speaker Kraig Paulsen’s Opening Remarks for 2015 Session
Iowa Speaker of the House Kraig Paulsen (R-Hiawatha) gave his opening remarks as the Iowa House gaveled in this morning for the 2015 legislative session.
Johnson County Republicans to Branstad: No Gas Tax Increase
Johnson County Republicans called Iowa Gov. Terry Branstad to set aside the allocation formula and prioritize road repairs in lieu of increasing gas tax.
Iowa House Speaker Kraig Paulsen (R-Hiawatha) announced the standing and budget committee chairs for the 86th General Assembly which begins January 12, 2015.
Iowa House Oversight Committee Launches Investigation Into Attorney General’s Office
The Iowa House Government Oversight Committee, announced an investigation into the Crime Victim Assistance Division of Attorney General Tom Miller’s office.