Iowans for Tax Relief: Iowa’s Tax Climate Gets Failing Grade

Iowans for Tax Relief: Businesses, entrepreneurs, and individuals will vote with their feet and move to states with the best regulatory and tax climates.

Government Wants to Ride in Your Car

Iowans for Tax Relief: A bill this legislative session provides a roadmap (terrible pun absolutely intended) to invade your privacy and use the tax code for social engineering.

Iowans Need Property Tax Relief

John Hendrickson: A property tax revenue limitation in Iowa’s code will help keep local government from growing “beyond what property owners and other taxpayers can afford.”

Iowans Entrust Lawmakers to Be Frugal

Jack Whitver: It is imperative we have the resources to fund Iowa’s priorities while having the fiscal responsibility to ensure we pass a balanced budget.

Iowans, How Much Do You Pay in Property Taxes?

The Iowa state budget currently has a surplus, a rather significant one.…