White House Can’t Confirm Those Who Sign Up for Obamacare on Dec. 23 Will Have It on Jan. 1

  ABC Newsā€™ Jon Karl: (Will people who buy insurance) by December…

White House Admits Some Won’t Get to Keep Their Health Care Plan

White House Spokesperson Jay Carney admits what he can no longer deny is that not everyone will be able to keep their health care plan under Obamacare.

Maureen Dowd, Another Delusional Journalist in Leftist World

I am becoming more convinced day by day that Leftists live in…

Jay Carney: A National Treasure

ā€œI dismiss the premise, the idea that these are scandals,ā€ Carney said…

President Obama’s Rough Week (and It’s Only Tuesday)

President Obama is having a tough week facing scandals dealing with Benghazi, the IRS targeting conservatives, and snagging the AP’s phone records.

Benghazi Questions Will Never Be Answered

We learned five things at Hillary Clinton’s testimony on Capitol Hill last…

Quote of the Day: Ben Stein on Jay Carney’s Spin of Mid-East violence

“Incredibly, Jay Carney, White House spokesman, isĀ spinning a complete fairy tale that…

President Obamaā€™s Birth Control Problem Is Actually An Ultimate Control Problem

The Obama Administrationā€™s answer to the outrage expressed by the Catholic Church…

Jay Carney: Debt Plan? Who Needs a Debt Plan?

White House Press Secretary Jay Carney spends 10 minutes today saying that…