A Win for Religious Freedom and Free Speech in Federal Court

The 8th Circuit Court of Appeals said that wedding videos created by Carl and Angel Larsen are a “form of speech that is entitled to First Amendment protection.”

SPLC Pays $3.3 Million After Falsely Labeling Group “Anti-Muslim Extremists”

The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) apologized to the Quilliam Foundation and its founder, Maajid Nawaz, for labeling them “anti-Islamic extremists” and agreed to pay $3.375 million.

SCOTUS To Take Up Case With Big Implications for Religious Conscience

The Supreme Court will decide if Christian florists, bakers, photographers, etc. can be compelled to provide services for same-sex wedding ceremonies.

Obama’s Unconstitutional Power Grab Over School Bathrooms

The Obama Administration says all schools receiving Title IX money must allow access to sex-segregated activities and facilities based on gender identity.

ADF to 13K+ School Districts: 1st Amendment Protects Christmas Expression

Alliance Defending Freedom sent a memo & fact sheet to 13,000 + school districts to dispel the myth that Christmas speech, participation is unconstitutional.

Colorado School to Students: No Praying During Free Time

Alliance Defending Freedom files suit against Academy School District #20 after public school censors religious discussion, expression during open period.

Idaho City to Ministers: Perform Same Sex Wedding or Face Jail Time

City officials in Coeur D’Alene, ID threaten to punish senior citizen couple – both ordained pastors – if they decline to officiate same-sex ceremonies.

Millions of Students Expected to Pray at School

Millions of students worldwide will gather at their school’s flagpole at 7:00a on Wednesday, September 24, 2014 to pray for their schools and friends.

Kansas School Bans Fliers with Bible Verses

(Kansas City, KS) Alliance Defending Freedom filed a lawsuit on behalf of

Free Speech No Longer Boxed In at Louisiana State University

Louisiana State University longer limits students distributing written materials to a “free speech alley” after ADF files suit on behalf of a student.